Monday, November 6, 2017


So today when we started class we went over what we learned last week like what TFR is , what crude birth and mortality rate is along with what some of the data of how many years it took for there to be 1 billion on the earth and the years in between for how many years it took for another billion too be on the earth. We also went over what push and pull factors were for migration like civil war or the lack of health care along with the the amount of jobs a country has or the freedom of religion and speech. So today we learned what a population pyramid is. A population pyramid is basically a horizontal bar graph that compares two different things at once. A common example of a pollution pyramid is one that compares the percent of the population and the ages groups of both male and female. This is commonly used to compare wether how long women live longer than men because women generally live longer than men. But yet it can also be used to compare what age groups are migrating out and into the country. These graphs can be very helpful to many people trying to find comparable data between two groups. I think their pretty cool too. But during the beginning of class this kid Owen not only did he bring a car but he forgot plates, forks, something to cut the cake with and napkins. So everyone had to eat with. their hands. So good luck to the janitorial staff and I'm so sorry you have to clean that up, good job Owen.

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