Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Rome Government

So today we talked about the government Rome had and its similarities to the United States government

  • not exactly the same
  • executive
  • legislative
  • judicial
  • both have a legal code

Executive, Rome
  • 2 consuls
  • 1 year terms
  • each has the power to veto
  • controls military
  • appoints dictator for a 6 month term
Executive, U.S.A
  • President (plus VP)
  • 4 year terms
  • veto proposed laws
  • commander in chief of the military
Legislative, Rome
  • senate has 300 people aristocrats, life terms
  • Assemblies (either centuriate or tribal 193 members, later 373), life terms
Legislative, U.S.A
  • senate 100 members, 2 each state, 6 year terms
  • House of representatives, 435 members ( 55 from California, Maryland had 8, Ak, De, Mt, Nd, Sd, Vt, Wy have 1), two year terms
Judicial, Rome
  • Praetors
  • chosen by the centuriate assembly
  • 1 year terms
Judicial, U.S.A
  • Supreme Court
  • nine members
  • lifetime terms
  • appointed by the president, confirmed by the senate.

So as you can see our government is very closely related to Rome which may be why we have lasted so long.

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