Monday, April 16, 2018

Powerpoint part1

In class today we took more notes

  • In Rome citizenship with voting rights was granted only to free born male citizens 
  • Patricians were wealthy landowners who helming the most power
  • Plebeians were the common farmers artisans, and merchants who made up the majority of the population
  • Tribunes protected the rights of plebeians from unfair acts of patricians 
  • In 451 B.C. a group of 10 officials began writing down Rome's laws, these are known as the twelve tables
  • Republic
  • Rule is replaced by two consuls 
  • consuls were elected officials 
  • term was one year
  • always aristocrats( patriarchs )
  • Patriarchs traced their decent from a common ancestor 
  • they were in charge of dealing justice, making laws, commanding army
  • One consul could veto the other decision reducing the power of the other
  • SPQR designates any decree or decision made by" the roman senate and people
  • Roman legion had 5,000 heavily armed foot soldiers 
  • By 4th century B.C. Rome dominated central Italy.

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