Sunday, January 21, 2018

Notes Pt 3

So today we went over some more notes about Greece. So today we learned about the trojan war, The culture of Greece and other info. So we learned that the trojan war was thought to be fiction but it was real, the reason why was because they had mentioned that the greek gods had taken part in the battle/ war. Now the battle is thought to be real minus the part about the gods. We also learned that their diets consisted go grapes, olives, and grains. We also learned that in the winter the temp would be around mid 40's and in the summer around low 80's which is great weather for farming but we also learned that one fourth of the peninsula was covered in fertile valley but only 20% were arable or able to be farmed. We also learned that a 20 foot thick wall protected Peloponnese people. We also learned that during the Mycenae rain they invaded Crete and implemented their culture into their own  which is some what the basis for the speech and reading styles of Greece. This is all I have on Greece so far today but I know we are going to learn a lot more, I spent two whole months in 7th grade just on Ancient Greece.

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