Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The return

So today was the first day back to school after our winter break and we eased back into the routine pretty easily. Today we started a new unit on political geography. This means the organization of the world. There are three categories. Nation, State, and country. A nation is a group of people larger than a community which may share a common language, religion, institutions and or historical experiences culture group or identity. A state is a a population under a single government, synonymous with a country. A country is a identifiable land area. We also learned what a independent state is, it is a state that has space or territory, people live there on a ongoing basis, organized economy which regulates foreign and domestic trade, and issues money, power of social engineering such as education. today was pretty laid back and easy for being the first day back to school after a two week long break, but I already know of two upcoming quizzes and tests. We really weren't able to talk about many notes today people had a lot of stories and we had to sing happy birthday so I don't really have a lot for the blog.

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