Thursday, January 25, 2018

warring city states

In Ancient Greece the city states which are like our counties were very different in politics and the place and rights of women. Athens which is dedicated to be the creator of democracy went through many political phases. Some of the other Govt. types of other city states were aristocracy, oligarchy, monarchy, and tyranny. Tyranny though was used differently back then. Back then it meant someone who came to power with the support of the people. Aristocrats which were people who lead aristocratic governments were usually people who were wealthy land owners. In Athens women did not have many rights and were left home to tend to the children and clean and make meals. Men were the only people who actually had jobs and depending on you social/ financial class affected what type of job you could have which most wealthy people ran the govt. in a aristocracy. In Sparta on the other hand women got military training since all men were forced to serve in the military from 6-60 years old, so women had to be able to defend Sparta its self while the men were at war. Sparta became a military state after it was barley to put down a revolt of farmers who were forced to give half of their crops to Sparta after Sparta conquered them. After this Sparta was classified a military state because unlike Athens who focused more on education, looks and social cultural features, Sparta focused on strength, bravery and loyalty. So Sparta would vigorously train their soldiers into the infamous spartan who would be the most powerful military force in Greece for a long period of time. This meant Sparta had a very good infantry force yet Athens had a very strong naval force, in which the banded together during the Persian wars to try and defend their city states.  300 spartans held off a Persian advance while athenian troops could retreat and help evacuate Athens before the Persians broke through the spartan lines and pushed onto Athens to burn it to the ground. So as you can see even though both city states had different focus points they still banded together to help and protect their people of greed by combining all of their military power, good infantry with a strong navy.

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