Thursday, September 28, 2017

The pop quiz

So today for the first time ever in my life I had a pop quiz and it wasn't even really a quiz it was just a packet that we completed before but Mr schick just gave it to us again for a quiz grade. Most people I bet did really well and probably got A's so I wasn't really worried about it. After that Mr schick went over briefly what a site and situations were. Then after he explained that the point of geography is to learn about different cultures and the difference between how we and they live. He was explaining that the first time he went to a crab feast he thought it was barbaric to beat the crabs with hammers and steam them alive. But if you think about it in Chicago they don't eat seafood like we do in Maryland this is the same thing as if someone from America went to china and saw them eating dog they would think it was cruel and inhumane but to the people in china its perfectly normal. It just depend on the culture and the different resources they have along with the climate aka the siteWhen . Mr schick gave us our pop quiz today he said those days of me being thence teacher and human geography being easy are over as a joke, but luckily we had a very good report from our sub that we had the other day. But again like any other day it was very mellow except for the fact that we had a pop quiz. I was very surprised though that mr schick to talk about his trip to the "newsuem" but I guess it was because he just wanted to get the quiz over with so we would have time to go over things from the day he wasn't here but that was my day.

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