Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Site and situations

So today in class we have to take notes on site and situations but they have to be thorough which I will make them because its not a very hard thing to do.


  • site is the physical character of a place, some important site characteristics are climate, water sources, topography, soil, latitude, elevation, vegetation
  • The combination of physical features gives each place a distinctive character
  • The factors a site has, has always been essential in selecting locations for settlements
  • Some people disagree with the attributes of a good site, depending on cultural values
  • Some build at the top of hills for good defense and attack, while others build near a river and crossing points for easy communication with other people from other places.
  • Humans have the ability to modify the characteristics of a site, A good example is that the southern portion of new York's Manhattan island is twice the size of what it was in 1626, they do this by filling in portions of the Hudson River and east river. The also do this by sinking old ships and dumping refuse on top of them, this can substantially change these sites

  • Situation is the location of a place relative to other places
  • Situation is a valuable way to indicate location in two ways, finding a unfamiliar place and understanding its importance
  • We can use situation to help find a unfamiliar place by comparing its location with a familiar one, in other words it helps give directions to new places that are somewhat similar to place we already know of
  • A example is if I say "its down past the elementary school on ferry street after the 2nd traffic light next to the big red Fire station"
  • we identify important landmarks and buildings while trying to guide someone to a desired location.
  • The second reason is that it helps us understand the importance of a location
  • Many locations are important because its accessible to other locations or places
  • A example of this is that Singapore has become a very busy trading port for much of Southeast Asia, Singapore is situated near the strait of Malacca, which is a major passage way for ships traveling between the south china sea and the Indian Ocean, some 50,000 vessels pass through the strait each year which is one fourth of the world maritime trade.
  • Another location is the Panama Canal, it is a important location because it allows shorter and direct access between the gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean, this is a example of a place being important because its accessible to other places. That is the situation of this place, A way a Geographer can site this location is because of its physical characteristics, Its hot , it rains a lot, there are a lot of jungles, its also a very small country, a since Humans have the ability to modify the characteristics of a site, Human built the Panama Canal. thats another example of a site. 

Some characteristics that make my house unique site is that when I was very young we had about sixteen oak trees in my back yard, well since the house that surround us have a lot of trees my dad would have to do leaves multiple times a year, so my dad cut down all the trees in our backyard so he wouldn't have to do so many trees, our backyard also backs up against six other houses, my backyard also is on a minor slope, the most unique characteristic about my house is that its the only colonial home in my court and along with that its one of the houses closest to the power box in my court. These are all different physical characteristics that make my house a unique site. Some reasons that make it a unique situation is that since it backs up against six other homes that allows access to the yards of those six other homes, this is important because if there is a fire and you can't escape our the front door if they go out the back door the can escape to my yard where there is no trees so its harder for the fire to spread and it allows for people to regain the breath because its a very open area. Another reason my house is a unique situation is that since I live in a neighbor hood it may be hard to find my house but since I live in a court it narrows down the homes people have to look for if their looking for my house. Another reason is that since I live off a major road it helps find the entrance to my neighborhood and since older neighborhoods have street names it helps them find the exact street I live on and which court I live. Another unique characteristic that make my home unique is that I'm the only house that has a asphalt driveway this can make it easier to tell what house is mine. So since my house is so unique the site it has and the situation it has makes it very easy to find my house. 

I didn't even know this is a what Geographers use to describe a place or help figure out what they will do with it. Im also kinda glad we actually had something to do in class today and be able to make a huge blog that was more than 10 sentences and it actually has valuable information. Mr schick should just start giving us substitute work.

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