Wednesday, September 6, 2017

today in human geo we learned about a few greek things. Today we learned that locates was a famous greek philosopher who set the basis of philosophy for the west. We also learned he created his own form of dialogue which included asking and answering questions to allow children mind to really think about how they would respond to that question. We also learned that socrates committed suicide before he was found guilty and would have been given the death penalty. Today I also found out that what a greek city state is and what the center of a city state is where the center of politics, markets festivals and the heart of the city meet. Socrates was accused of not accepting the gods of Athens to be real and had different beliefs and when the govt thought he could be spreading these beliefs to kids he was teaching the tried him but as I said before he killed himself with poison before the court could convict him. I also found out the the greek revolution was the first revolution ever recorded in history. Ancient Greece is pretty cool so I think I'm going to enjoy learning about their culture. I mean they were the creators of democracy.

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