Thursday, September 7, 2017

So today I learned that the teacher who goes around singing its Thursday is really My human geo teacher so that was new but today in actual class we started off by debating on what we should do about North Korea and there were many different opinions as we should leave them alone, nuke them, or just assassinate Kim Jon un. But after the debate was finished we realized that we were doing the socrates method which consists of asking and answering question to open your mind and increase the amount of thinking your doing which is suppose to help strengthen your thinking skills and help make you better at answering questions with more sophisticated and formal answers. So while in class we learned more about socrates death. He was forced of corrupting the children of Athens and when he went on trial he was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock but what id didn't know was that he was given the chance to escape but said that this was the way he lived by but accepted the hemlock. He also didn't deny and of the charges he admitted to all of them because he wasn't afraid of what his beliefs were. SO anyway we learned only a little more about socrates but his death is till very interesting.

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