Monday, October 2, 2017

Regions and cultural landscapes

So today in Human geo we started off by getting back our pop quizzes. Usually when someone gets an A Mr Schick rings his little bell but the. he called my name he didn't ring the bell so I know I did bad on it and I usually don't count an 85% bad but its social studies and I usually get the best grades in social studies so I wasn't very happy. After that Mr schick taught us what a region and cultural landscape. A region is a area of earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics. A cultural landscape is a area fashioned from nature by a cultural group. After that he discussed that Chicago and Maryland have a different cultural landscape because of the different natural features in both regions. In Chicago they usually have the same weather all year unlike here though in Maryland we experience four seasons every year thats a regional difference. It also depends on their view of government. In Wyoming and North Dakota they don't like the federal government so they usually vote republican unlike these states ,states like network which usually vote democratic, this also can be affected partly by gun laws many people in Texas are allowed to carry a firearm but people in network don't , in Texas they have many wild predators in New York they have huge rats that can be removed with a exterminator. so after that we just partly worked on a assignment where we have to categorize the states into regions based on their similarities and differences. Today has been the worse day yet because I have 6 quizzes this week and when my dad picked me up he told me my great uncle had died from throat cancer. every year we have lost someone in my family and even though I was never close to my great uncle it didn't help by adding even more stress to my day and along the fact that I have to finish todays assignment for homework along with all the studying I have to do today I'm just about done with school and I even wonder should I be going to John Carroll?

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