Thursday, October 5, 2017

The brain killer

So today was a pretty slow, boring, easy, relaxing day. Since it was Thursday Mr schick went around the school singing its Thursday. So when I got to class I was the first one so I just waited for everyone else to arrive. So when class started two of the other kids introduced their shadows. Then the brain killing discussion started Mr schick decided to pull some socratic method stuff today. He asked us why does the world not just centralize around one clock and time or why isn't it the same time around the world. So I raised my hand and explained that because of the earths rotation and how the sun rises and sets that to people on the other side of the world its night time when its day time here, but I wasn't really correct so after half of the class answered he started telling us about how there is no present because every second is passing so there is only a future and past. This is because the future is now the past and the past was once the future. Now I'm sitting there trying to comprehend wether Mr schick didn't sleep at all or if he just lost it. Me along with my other class mates are trying to not to pass out because what he's saying is literally breaking my brain. So after a half hour of explaining to us that theres only a future and past and asking us why the time isn't the same around the world we go too take 5 minutes of notes. So the reason why he asked this was because a man with the last name of Fleming introduced the idea that the time should be based on the center of the earth and that time should be the same around the world. Now I'm just sitting there trying not to have a seizure because what he is talking about for one I don't even know how this relates to human geography and two none of it makes sense it like the hippies of the sixties just abducted him and brainwashed him or that he is just loosing it so yeah today was pretty chill and laid back and I still don't understand the purpose of that discussion.

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