Wednesday, October 18, 2017

think global act local

So today in class Mr Schick wasn't here probably for one reason ( Mr Schick don't get mad at me or take offense to this but you do seem like this person whoo would do this) He took off today so he could mourn over the loss the cubs had. Everyday he is wearing a cub piece of clothing wether it's socks, a belt, or a tie , or even a shirt. But Today is class we learned that global scale means to encompass the entire world which means more broad patterns. We also took some notes so here they are.

  • Global scale means to encompass the entire world and means broad patterns
  • Geography matter because it can explain human actions in a global scale such as what our actions are doing to cause global warming
  • Geography also studies why arrangements such as where a company places a factory or where the population is growing rapidly could cause problems
  • Globalization- is a force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something world wide.
  • This means the scale of the world is shrinking in the ability of a person object or idea to interact with a person object or idea in another place.
  • People are always worried about the economy and money and are becoming more of a uniform society, that’s is interdependent and integrated.

Now I know this isn't a lot but if you read its means a lot. We learned that geography studies the affect that if a company puts a factory somewhere what that would have on the environment around it, or if a population is growing rapidly in one area what big changes that could occur to the Earth and the environment in that area too. Globalization is a force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something world wide. A example is if the whole world stop using fossil fuels and switched to solar energy. That would put a major decrease in air pollution and stop some of the global warming crisis from worsening. Some other definitions is when a business starts to develop international influence or starts operating on a international scale. Now if a Cadillac a American car company went global more factories would be built causing even more pollution from the gas the cars and machines would burn in order to operate. The third definition which is very broad is the act of globalizing or extending to all or more parts of the world. Most of the world countries do international trade with different countries so since most countries trade internationally thats called a global economy, a example is the US, the USA does most of the world International trading wether its oil, clothing ,food , metal ,or even vehicles. We trade globally and since most of the world also trades globally the worlds economy is becoming more uniform because we all are trading globally, we don't just trade to neighboring countries we trade with all because most peoples minds are on the ruining of anyones life money, money buys power, protection, and evens buy people, you can bribe anyone with just the right amount of money to get what you want wether its influence over a country or to buy weapons for a military or even to control a country, back during the colonial times only people who were wealthy could vote so if you had a lot of money you could bribe other to vote for you or another person to get something you want. Another example is since apple makes their products in china, their able to make a lot of money because they pay their worker very little  but sell their products for a large amount of money to multiple countries or even all across the world. Their focus is making money but what they don't realize is the amount of pollution the factories create, china has days where the smog is so bad that people have to were breathing mask so they don't inhale poisonous fumes. Thats air pollution and its killing the earth so if bug factory companies go global their amount of factories will increase causing pollution to increase causing global warming to increase. But if we go global on switching to solar energy instead of buying fossil fuels pollution could be cut in half. Its all because people want to make the most money and if they switch to solar energy that cost a lot of money for them to buy solar panels and put them on their factories, it just depends on what people want, more money or for the earth to heat up until the north and south poles melt completely which could cause massive flooding causing many deaths and even the destruction of whole nations. In order to help the earth we must think global then act local because even if we switch a whole state to solar power its doing more then not doing anything, we just need to act.

Some of the products I use daily is my computer, my phone and my pencil and or pen. Both my phone and laptop are apple products. Apple was originally founded in the USA. My products like many other apple products were made in china

  • Phone-apple-made in china
  • laptop-apple-made in china
  • pencil-ticonderoga-made in France, Italy, Latin America, asia
  • calculator-texts instruments- Dallas texas
  • computer mouse-insten-made in china
  • Pen-pentel-japan,taiwan,france
  • Xbox one-microsoft- made in china

As you can see most of my electronic items are made in china or another foreign country, this is because it cost companies less to pay foreign worker because the US dollar is a bigger value than the countries own currency, a example is china many companies such as apple and Microsoft have factories in china because chinas minimum wage is very small compared to the USA so companies don't have to pay workers average amounts of money as if the products were made here in the US, over I china they only have to pay them maybe 2 dollars for working a full day in the factory. As you can see it relates back to money.

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