Thursday, October 19, 2017


So today when we saw Mr Schick where he was yesterday, we all thought that he took of to watch the cubs game. But really he spent all day with his dog who he had to put down. He wanted his dogs last day on this planet to be a good one and one that he will cherish forever. I do feel the same pain Mr Schick is going through over the past ten years I have had to put 2 dogs down and I couldn't even stand in the room or even go to the vet, I just couldn't stand it.So today we didn't talk about anything really very girl who sits behind me was balling their eyes out because of the story then they started looking at dog pictures and started telling really weird stories about dying animals. So anyway we just picked up where we left off yesterday so I don't have that much to write about this blog but we did talk about how a man who sued the environmental protection agency who then became their president now that is just going to even more damage then their trying to stop but we also learned that big factories would pump toxic waste into Lake Michigan which killed a lot of plants and wild life and people also swam in the lake too, thats just disgusting but the environmental agency stopped that but with this new leader they have a lot of bad things are gonna happen.

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