Saturday, October 21, 2017

The schedule

So today in human geo when we walked in everybody is asking this girl for donuts. The fact though she only had 4 donuts and the fact that they were donut balls is hilarious. Any way when Mr Schick enters the room faith starts to pass out cookies which I kindly said no thank you. So someone gets the idea to create a schedule in which each day we have class someone will bring in food for the class to eat. Know firstly I don't even understand why we need to bring food in for the class but the girls desired to create a schedule which I will have no part of. I am at John carroll to get a education, I shouldn't be paying thousands of dollars just to eat donuts. The fact that this is what we talked about for half of the class makes me so angry because I'm not accomplishing what I went to school to do. Learn, anyway after that half an hour discussion Mr Schick tells us that we have a test next week and we went over latitude and longitude but overall that class was the most pointless of the day I just hope though that Mondays class will be much better than Fridays because Friday was just terrible, we always get off topic and I don't understand how it gets is far off it just amazes me.

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