Tuesday, November 28, 2017

New unit

So today we started our new unit by expanding our thinking and understanding on the role and use of population pyramids. So today besides what we already know about population pyramids we learned that they can be organized based on the ability of certain parts of the population to reproduce. We also learned different parts of demographic transition which means a economy moves from a pre industrial society to a industrial society to a post industrial society. When a economy becomes a industrial it means the economy is based on factory made products, also known as the industrial phase. This happens because of industrialization, this can cause life expectancy to increase and infant mortality rate to decrease. It can also can large amounts of the population to move from rural areas to urban areas because that would be where most jobs are. This also means it can cause birth and death rates to decrease. A specific fact we also learned today was that in 1810 the life expectancy of most nations was 40 and below. As you can see from this info industrialization can have very big effects on animations population and economy in positive and negative ways but we all know that the root of all greed is money which can destroy entire countries economies, relations with allies and even destroy personal relationships among families and cause many problems.

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