Monday, November 27, 2017

The day back

so today we came back from thanksgiving break and it was really hard to get used to going to each class again. So today in human geo we went over our test that we took two Fridays ago but I took it last Tuesday because I was sick, which I am glad to say I got a 95% on it so that for sure raised my grade to an A. So Mr Schick said that this was the best grades on a test my class has gotten which is also pretty good, I think there was only one person I think he didn't ring the bell for but that person still got a very good grade. So as Mr Schick is ringing the bell he says this is the most times I'm going to ring this bell in one class. After he hands back all the tests we start to go over the test answers so we can use it to study for our mid terms exams which are in a couple of weeks, so as we are going through the questions people are saying " oh I knew I that was the right answer" but still I am happy that my class got all good grades on the test and I wasn't even here for the day of the test, so I am really happy about that. Mr Schick also said that there was only two people who did the extra credit but during the end of class half of the class said they were going to do it tonight, but I have a lot of homework tonight so I'm not going to have the time to complete it.

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