Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The test

So yesterday  I took my human geo test that I missed Friday because I was sick, and to be honest I was really nervous that I wouldn't do so well on it, even though I don't know my grade yet I still feel confident that I did do well. SO since there was like five people out Friday including me Mr Schick just had a simple day. While we took the test he went over this website where you donate money to people who ask for it until the reach their goal that their asking for in order to help the me but supplies for animals or medicine or other important things, but the cool thing is that those people have to pay back the amount of money they asked for or pay off their debt to the people who donate. So I think  I was the first to finish the test but thats because I studied as much as I could and I was ready I'm don't know about the others, but I was really relieved when I completed the computer part of the test so I was very thankful for that, but after I finished the test I turned it in and listened to Mr Schick about the donation website, He said if we co plate a assignment and get family members to donate we get extra credit, its just that my parent don't really like donating money because you don't know if someone is lying and using it for other needs they don't tell the donators about, if the donate clothes and the donation organization says they will come by to pick up the donations, they won't get picked up. They say to put them is plastic bags and put them out by the curb and they will be there for the next 3 months, so you see my point I also am very busy with helping my parents, today my and my dad picked up leaves and then we dug a new hole with the new auger blade he bought for his auger and put in a new post for a new bird feeder, of course this didn't come without complications, one it was cold and I was outside for four hours it was windy so when we got the leaves into rows the wind would blow some leaves into the already picked up areas of leaves, and when were digging the whole we had to break apart three rocks will a metal stake and metal mallet which took a while because some were very strong stone but others were huge pieces of quartz. But once we got the hole dug and deep enough we took some concrete and poured it into the hole, luckily we only needed one bag and those bags aren't that big but are very heavy, so once we got the concrete poured my dad put some supports on the post to keep it level then I cleaned our the wheel barrel. We also had to replace the handles on the wheel barrel to because its so old, then my dad had to some how try and get a bigger bolt to work because we couldn't reuse one of the original bolts because of how badly rusted it was but he did it some how. So when we finally finish I go inside and get on my xbox and then I find out the wifi is not working so luckily it works now so I can do my blog.

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