Monday, February 5, 2018

project pt 2

So today were worked on our project in which I completed the part about homer and the epics he told as he traveled around Greece to each city state and the trojan war and how many people thought that it was fake until a German archaeologist may have found proof that it really happened.

Go Big or Go Homer
Homer was a greek storyteller who was very famous for his story telling of  “The Iliad” and “ The Odyssey”. The Iliad was one of the last conquests of the Mycenaeans (Trojan war). The Odyssey was the story of odysseus and his attempts to return home after the trojan war, and constantly being thwarted by the god of the sea poseidon who was jealous of odysseus because many said he was more famous and powerful than the god himself. It contains 12,110 lines of dactylic hexameter. Little is known of Homer's personal life, except that he was blind. His stories were known as epics sometime between 750-700 BCE. Homer would travel from city state to city state telling his epics about greeks gods. Storyteller such as homer caused myths og the gods to be created and many thought of them to be real. There is actually a question named after Homer. The homeric question. The questions is asking if homer was a actual person or a mythical character such as the gods. Many thought of Homer as a blind wandering minstrel and a heroic figure. One of Homer's famous epic the story of odyssey is thought to be a myth because how can a blind man remember all of these topics. In the story it took odysseus years to return home after fighting a war for years. There is also a enemy called polyphemus who is a cyclops or a huge person with one eye and this is thought to be fake because there is no such evidence that cyclops have ever existed. This is all apart of the Homeric question.

Troy Story
The Trojan war was one of the most famous wars thought to be fought by the greeks in the 1200s BCE. The mycenaeans fought a ten year long war against Troy which is a trading city in Anatolia. According to legend a greek army had besieged and destroyed Troy because a Trojan prince had kidnapped Helen, the wife of a greek king. For many years historians thought that the stories of the trojan war were fake and just myths but excavations conducted in the north west of turkey during the 1830s conducted by a german archaeologist named Heinrich schliemann may reveal that the stories of the trojan war may be based on real events and real cities based on real people. Although the origin of the Trojan war remains unclear, but this attack on troy was certainly apart of the one of the last Mycenaean battle campaigns. A famous story of the war was that the greeks tricked the trojans used a large wooden horse to deceive the trojans and raided the city and captured it by hiding inside the horse.  

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