Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Test handback

So today we got our tests back we took last week. I was actually happy to see that I got a 95 out of 100 which is a very big heavy grade and since I did so well on it my grade was raised a lot. Before we went over the test we had to wait for two people to finish their test so we had to finish taking notes from the textbook.

  • The greeks created drama and the two types of drama comedies and tragedy
  • The wealthy had to bore the cost of the productions
  • tragedy had common themes such as love, war, hate
  • comedy usually had rude humor
  • Euripides and aristophanes were famous for their plays
  • Herodotus a greek who lived in Athens for a time was the one who pioneered the accurate recording of events
  • He was even the one who created the belief history will repeat its self 
  • Thucydides was the greatest historian of the time
  • When the Peloponnesian war between city states began Athens had the stronger navy while Sparta had the stronger
  • Sparta eventually swept across the countryside destroying Athens food supply 
  • Then a plague hit Athens and killed one third of the population including Pericles
  • After a failed attempt to destroy Syracuse a wealthy supporter of Sparta Athens was deemed totally destroyed in total.
These notes are a extension of what I got the last class and I still have more notes to take so I will still have a lot of info for my blogs this week.

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