Saturday, February 17, 2018

The test

So today we had our mid unit test because Ancient Greece is a very big topic and is easier to learn in two parts. The test I think I did very well on and hopefully it will boost my grade up to a high B or an A. After I finished the test we had to take notes in our notebooks from the textbook and from the first two pages I already have a bunch of notes. I still have to finish reading all of the pages but when I'm done I'll put the notes I have into my blog.

  • From 477-431 B.C Athens experienced a growth in intellectual and artistic learning.
  • This period is known as the golden age of Athens
  • sculpture,Drama,poetry and philosophy all reached new heights in the golden age
  • A wise and able statesman named Pericles led Athens during much of its golden age, Pericles held onto popular support for 32 years
  • He was a skillful politician, inspiring speaker and a respected general
  • Pericles had 3 goals which were to strengthen democracy and the empire and to glorify Athens 
  • The introduction of direct democracy was a important part in periclean Athens 
  • Athens took control of the delian league and all of the city states in it, this allowed Pericles to use the funding for the league for things like glorifying Athens
  • He also used funds to make Athens navy the most powerful in the mediterranean 
  • He dire ted the best artists of Athens and Greece to construct the pantheon
As you can see I got a good amount of notes and even more to come so I will have pretty info stuffed blogs. Enjoy!

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