Thursday, February 15, 2018


so today we had a review for of half unit test that we have tomorrow. We basically went through Mr Schicks whole power point so people could get the info that they may not have. I really didn't have any missing notes but I did draw a diagram of what the seas around Greece look like and specific locations of important city states such as Athens and Sparta along with important nations that surrounded Ancient Greece like the Asia Minor and Crete along with Macedonia. For the test we have to remember the types of govt. and the different important leaders of Greece who are Cleisthenes, Draco, Solon. The project we did in class is basically our study guide for the test. We also have to remember the way Greeces geography affected and developed their culture along with the way it affected their customs. We also have to remember the different famous rivers of large famous civilizations. So as you can see there will be a lot on the test so I have to study along with all of the other test I have tomorrow.

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