Tuesday, February 13, 2018


So today in class we watched part of a video on Ancient Greece and we took some notes as well.

  • Greece laid the foundation for western civilization
  • Thermisticles was a famous military general in Ancient Greece
  • In 508 B.C. Athens turned on their leaders
  • Cleisthenes was raised to be a leader and was the one to start the road to a greek empire
  • Helis was the name used by the greeks for Greece itself
  • The acropolis in Athens was actually a military stronghold that could be a very good defensive position
  • The life expectancy from birth was the less than 15 years
  • Athens could hardly build a empire with a aristocratic government
  • Greece was a unlikely place to start a empire because of the terrain, this means it was impossible for Greece to be ruled by one ruler
  • Spartans were raised in the field and their life was structured around discipline
  • The spartans wore red to hide their blood if injured or killed
  • The spartans were though of as ruthless expansionists because they conquered more than 4,000 square miles.
  • The ancient tales and myths of the greek people influenced and shaped the people such as Cleisthenes
  • the vision of the hero was the example  Cleisthenes was brought up to follow
  • Pysisteris , Cleisthenes brother law used a tall woman as a fake Athena to take control of Athens. He lowered taxes to help farmers build their farms the best they could which increased the amount of olives being produced every season
  • Olive products were in high demand from countries around the Mediterranean Sea
  • The east Mediterranean Sea was the most popular and active trading area
  • The pottery created by the greeks to store certain products such as olive oil are now considered huge pieces of arts
  • With all of this economic activity with olives Athens became a international economic power
  • In 527 B.C Pysisteris died and his son Hippias took control, but after his brothers murder Hippias became a very violent and brutal leader and even began to not trust his advisers and people close to him
  • At this time the Aristocrtas were the biggest threat to Hippias 
  • Cleisthenes created a conspiracy to overthrow Hippias and won then he banished Hippias from Athens 
  • The Greeks were the creators of the Olympic Games. The olympic games in Ancient Greece were the largest gathering of Greeks from different city states in peace. Any person from any city state and any social class could compete against someone from any city state or any social class. There were no restrictions
  • Isagoras was the most ambitious conspiring against Cleisthenes and eventually overthrows Cleisthenes with the help of the Spartans.

So as you can see just from watching as video for 45 minutes you can get a lot of notes. It was nice to do something different for once in class not thats its boring, its good though to switch things up a bit.

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