Monday, February 12, 2018

Normal day

So today we had a normal class, we walked in, said the prayer and took notes and asked questions. Today we took some notes on some of the greek mythological gods and notes about the military of Greece.

  • Zeus was the ruler of heaven and earth, god of shy, weather, thunder, lightning, order and justice.
  • He had a temper and was known to hurl thunder bolts.
  • Athena goddess of wisdom, skill, warfare, and peace along with intelligence, battle strategy and handicrafts
  • Patron of Athens
  • Born as a adult from zeus forehead and fully armored
  • Special patron of heroes.
  • Apollo was the god of music, arts, knowledge and healing
  • zeus is his father and Artemis his twin sister
  • poseidon was the god of sea, rivers, floods and earthquakes
  • Brother of zeus, king of sea
  • Aphrodite was the goddess of love, beauty, desire and sexuality
  • Her lovers included Ares, Adonis and Anchises
  • Demeter was the goddess of grain, harvest, and agriculture
  • She was zeus's sister.

  • Greeks were certainly a warlike people, especially spartans
  • Spartans were known for their tough ruthless infantry which is the army that fights on land
  • Spartan boys trained from the time they were seven years old
  • Real spartans were much more fearsome than those oily gym rats in the movie 300

  • Athens had a great infantry but nothing could compare to their Navy
  • Their most effective weapon was the Tireme
  • The Tireme was a technological marvel, the fastest ship in the world at that time, rowed up to by 170 men on three levels and was very agile and fast and could even be used as a battering ram
  • Another great military weapon was the phalanx.
  • close rank, dense grouping of warriors
  • Armed with long spears and interlocking shields 
  • The soldiers would advance slowly toward the enemy, until they would break through their ranks

These are all the notes I took today and it looks like tomorrow we are learning about the Persians and the Persian war which was a very important enemy to the greeks overall.

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