Thursday, March 15, 2018

Alexander the great

So today in class we read about Alexander the great and his life

  • The Peloponnesian  war severely weakened several city states
  • King Phillip the second was the king of Macedonia and thought to take control of Greece and then Persia for their wealth
  • Macedonia was looked down upon by the greeks but they did have strong and fearless kings
  • The Macedonians lived in mountain villages rather than city states
  • Phillip was only 23 years old when he became king and was a brilliant general and politician
  • Phillip transformed peasants into a highly trained military force in which he organized into phalanxes
  • Demosthenes a orator tried to warn the greeks but they couldn't reach a agreement and when they did it was too late. The Macedonian army was invading and took over all of Greece, which ended greek independence.
  • Phillip was murdered at his daughters wedding and never got to take over Persia 
  • Phillips son Alex became known as Alexander the great
  • Alex was schooled by Aristotle which gave him much knowledge and made him a powerful and smart leader 
  • Alexander led 35,000 soldiers across hellespont into Anatolia
  • Persia sent 40,000 soliders 
  • They both met at the Granicus river which resulted in Alexander smashing through the Persian's defenses which caused Darius the third to worry
  • Alex then refused a peace agreement from Darius and moved on to conquer all of Persia and parts of Egypt along with founding Alexandria 
  • Alexander the went to Mesopotamia to confront Darius but again Darius fled 
  • Alexanders army and the remaining Persian army met at gaugamela resulting in Persia's defeat ending their power
  • Alex's army then conquered Babylon, Susa , and Persepolis 
  • Over the rest of his lifetime Alex tried to conquer most of Asia but failed after running into a Indian army blockade. 

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