Friday, March 23, 2018

review day one

So today we started to review for out test next Tuesday which was going to be Monday but because we had two snow days it got pushed back. Anyway we went over the start of Alexander the great.

  • The Peloponnesian  war severely weakened several city states
  • King Phillip the second was the king of Macedonia and thought to take control of Greece and then Persia for their wealth
  • Macedonia was looked down upon by the greeks but they did have strong and fearless kings
  • The Macedonians lived in mountain villages rather than city states
  • Phillip was only 23 years old when he became king and was a brilliant general and politician
  • Phillip transformed peasants into a highly trained military force in which he organized into phalanxes
  • Demosthenes a orator tried to warn the greeks but they couldn't reach a agreement and when they did it was too late. The Macedonian army was invading and took over all of Greece, which ended greek independence.
  • Phillip was murdered at his daughters wedding and never got to take over Persia 
  • Phillips son Alex became known as Alexander the great
  • Alex was schooled by Aristotle which gave him much knowledge and made him a powerful and smart leader 
  • Alexander led 35,000 soldiers across hellespont into Anatolia
  • Persia sent 40,000 soliders 
  • They both met at the Granicus river which resulted in Alexander smashing through the Persian's defenses which caused Darius the third to worry
  • Alex then refused a peace agreement from Darius and moved on to conquer all of Persia and parts of Egypt along with founding Alexandria 
  • Alexander the went to Mesopotamia to confront Darius but again Darius fled 
  • Alexanders army and the remaining Persian army met at gaugamela resulting in Persia's defeat ending their power
  • Alex's army then conquered Babylon, Susa , and Persepolis 
  • Over the rest of his lifetime Alex tried to conquer most of Asia but stopped after defeating a Indian army and the morale of his men being low.

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