Tuesday, September 19, 2017

So today in human geo we actually did something that took the whole class period to do. Today we had to draw a mental image of the world map and label as many things as possible, this includes countries physical features and oceans. We also had to the same thing but for the route we take for school and label all of the restraunts, chucks and stores we see along the way. Mr schick also got a new air conditioner because faith asked for one. Wont be surprised if that works every where. Anyway half of the class left today because there must of been a game or something but at the end of class everyone was asking mr schick to look up their homes on google earth. he also showed us the layout of his house and property which lets just say is huge for a high school teacher. But today was another easy period because we again only worked on one thing the whole entire class period but thats how it is./

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