Friday, September 22, 2017

so today we talked about the differences on regions and places. A region is an area were the people that live there have their one cultural differences in food, religion, and tradition. A place is somewhere that docent look like anywhere else on earth. We also got our test back which I did really good on , I got a 90 out of 100 and if we got a A or higher we got a bell rung for each person who did get an A but if you got 100 you got two bell rungs. There was only one person who got two bell rungs and maybe only one person that didn't get a bell rung at all. The past few times I have had human geo its been really simple because we don't do that much and we only go over one topic. Mr schick did say though that our first test was very easy and a lot of the. other test are not going to be so easy which I understand because since it was our fist test he wanted to give us a breaking since I'm  in honors the test are going to be a little more challenging than usual but yet most of my classes are honors so ill get used to it.

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