Friday, September 15, 2017

So today in human geo we learned about how the natural map we use un school really isn't as accurate as we think the size of countries such as green land and north america have a very distorted size due to the way the map was created the map we normally use is called a mercator map but a more accurate version is called the Peters map which has more accurate and less distorted images of the worlds countries but compared to the first ever world recorded map its pretty accurate. We also learned that depending on the size of a country could mean how much we care about it and whether or not we would send supplies if they are in need of food or water like relief aid. But anyway today was a pretty laid back day as I had only two test that I think I did very well on. Mr schick was also talking about That some countries like Australia view the world map upside down because of their location on the earth and they think their on the top of the world and above everybody else. It just depend on how you view the map and what world map you view.

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