Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Today was pretty boring because we were told by mr schick that human geo would get a lot harder and that the first unit was more of a pep talk and to tell us to get ready to do our best work and try our best. After that we went over how regions were related and how they are culturally different and similar along with politically and economically we also had to complete a worksheet where we had to label different regions around the world . But pretty mu ch today it was a short day and not much happened. I did have my science test but i don't think I did so well on that but back to human geo  we talked about how a regions environment affects their economy because of the type of food they ca grow there along with the type of products they make there depending on how much their minimum wage is like since china has such a small wage we can get products made their for very little money and how in Mexico we have a lot of car factories down their because they also have a low minimum wage even though their economy is getting better every year.

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