Tuesday, September 12, 2017

So today we had our first test in human geology and it really wasn't that hard and I actually felt confident about getting a good grade. Even though it was a boring class I still have a bunch of upcoming tests in many of my other classes like Spanish which I'm very worried about and I hope I do very good on it. I also have a math test next week even when I took a math quiz today I'm really stressed out because I have all these tests to study for. I also forgot my schedule today so in was worried that I would forget what class I had to go to but luckily my schedule is on veracross. I also thought I had a biology test today but luckily its Friday which gives me plenty of time to study so yeah I have a busy week. I just can't wait for Friday to come because i can somewhat put school work out of my mind. but wish me luck on all my other test especially Spanish. Please wish me the best of luck.

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