Wednesday, October 25, 2017

So yesterday I forgot to do my blog so it will be a day late but pretty much all we did was create questions that could be on the test, and a lot of them were on the test but most of them were pretty easy one of my questions was what could cartographers make a map based upon, it could be based upon a political view point like which political party a state voted for or what a states exports are like wether its metal, coal, farm crops, or lumber. it can be based upon many different things. We also had a shadow who has shadowed before but the the first time they shadowed we had class colors week so that day was a little hectic. But pretty much the day was the same, what I was surprised about was that there were questions on situation and site but no one created any questions for those two topics but this will be a short blog because I don't really have that much to talk about this class like usual I wish we did more stuff in class wether its taking notes or doing worksheets. Whatever as long as I have a good grade I'm happy .

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The Rome test

So today we had our Rome test and for the first time in history of my class it was a open blog test. I didn't have all the answers but I...