Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Presentation continued

So today we continued with finishing the presentation projects for the comparison of two different countries population pyramids. After waiting like five minutes for the class to just stop talking Faith and her group stated to present and as I said before in my last blog we could've done a lot better than we did. So faiths group compared two different countries in which I can't remember the name of but they did explain that one of the countries I think it was Haiti has a higher increasing population because in the past two years they have been affected by multiple natural disasters from hurricanes and earthquakes. As a result of these natural disasters many people have died, so as Haiti is trying to rebuild their country they are having more children so they rebuild their population and as the kids grow up they can further help in the rebuilding process of Haiti because it will take a very long time to fully recover. Even though I can't remember the second country they did a very good job on their project and I expect them to get an A. The second group to present was Maddie and Kelsie they compared two countries that I also can't remember the name of but they compared that a fact of one of the countries having a very high male population was that they had many men working on oil platforms which is a very laborious job that is also very dangerous. So they explained that because they have such a high male population percentage their population is increasing at a very slow rate because there aren't as many women to have kids and also because women mainly don't work on oil platforms which is this countries main economy. Both groups did a great job at comparing their charity organization in which I didn't even know people used to trick or treat for donations to Unicef. They would have their candy bucket and another for donations. I don't know if there is any more groups that have to present but tomorrow is our test which is 100 points so I will be studying for it, I also have to study for my bible test tomorrow along with my math test Monday but I'm pretty confident about math which is something I have never said before in my life. So I'm a little stressed out but next week we will have our first thanksgiving in our new kitchen so the whole family is coming over, I'm just ready for Christmas already which I have to say, they have already started playing Christmas music and my neighbors have started decorating their house already.

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