Tuesday, March 27, 2018

test review pt3

So today we took the rest of the notes for our test the Monday after break. So the notes we took are on philosophy and art.

  • Epicureanism and Stoicism: founded the school of philosophy, founded the school of thought
  • Colossus of Rhodes, a bronze statue more than 100 ft high, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world
  • 150 B.C. Hellenistic world was in decline, Rome was gaining strength. 
So as you can see we really didn't have that many notes to take on Greece. We did find out though that we will have a choice of a constructed response question and we have to pick from three choices which I'm going to pick the difference between oligarchy, aristocracy, monarchy, and a democracy and a tyranny. I just hope that this test isn't going to be ridiculously hard and have a bunch of trick questions but I don't think we will have too, but I will study to get a good grade.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Test notes

So today we discussed and talked about the test then decided that we will take the test the Monday after break. This way we can get more time to review and finish taking the rest of the notes on the spread of Hellenistic culture.

  • Hellenistic culture is a blend of greek,egyptian,persian and Indian influence
  • "Koine" was the common language spoken in Alexandria and other major cities during Hellenistic times. In greek it means common
  • This language enabled educated people and traders from diverse backgrounds to communicate in cities throughout the Hellenistic world
  • Alexandria the city named after Alexander the great became the foremost center of commerce and civilization 
  • Trade ships came from all over the Mediterranean to Alexandria
  • Both residents and visitors admired Alexandria's great beauty, Alexanders coffin, and the 350 ft  lighthouse called the pharos and the famous museum and library of Alexandria 
  • The museum was a temple dedicated to the muses, greek goddesses of arts and sciences 
  • The library had 500,000 papyrus scrolls
  • Hellenistic scholars in Alexandria preserved greek and Egyptian learning in the sciences which provided most of the scientific knowledge available to the west 
  • Aristarchus reached 2 scientific conclusions, the sun is 300 times larger than the sun and earth and other planets revolve around the sun
  • Ptolemy disagrees and states the earth is in the center of the solar system which was taught for the next 14 centuries
  • Eratosthenes, director of the Alexandria library, estimated the true size of the earth using geometry, between 28,000-29,000 miles he was also a poet and historian
  • Euclid, highly regarded mathematician taught in Alexandria , wrote the book on geometry "Elements"
  • Archimedes, estimated the value of PI, explained the law of the lever, invented the Archimedes screw which raised water from the ground, and the compound pulley to lift heavy objects

Friday, March 23, 2018

review day one

So today we started to review for out test next Tuesday which was going to be Monday but because we had two snow days it got pushed back. Anyway we went over the start of Alexander the great.

  • The Peloponnesian  war severely weakened several city states
  • King Phillip the second was the king of Macedonia and thought to take control of Greece and then Persia for their wealth
  • Macedonia was looked down upon by the greeks but they did have strong and fearless kings
  • The Macedonians lived in mountain villages rather than city states
  • Phillip was only 23 years old when he became king and was a brilliant general and politician
  • Phillip transformed peasants into a highly trained military force in which he organized into phalanxes
  • Demosthenes a orator tried to warn the greeks but they couldn't reach a agreement and when they did it was too late. The Macedonian army was invading and took over all of Greece, which ended greek independence.
  • Phillip was murdered at his daughters wedding and never got to take over Persia 
  • Phillips son Alex became known as Alexander the great
  • Alex was schooled by Aristotle which gave him much knowledge and made him a powerful and smart leader 
  • Alexander led 35,000 soldiers across hellespont into Anatolia
  • Persia sent 40,000 soliders 
  • They both met at the Granicus river which resulted in Alexander smashing through the Persian's defenses which caused Darius the third to worry
  • Alex then refused a peace agreement from Darius and moved on to conquer all of Persia and parts of Egypt along with founding Alexandria 
  • Alexander the went to Mesopotamia to confront Darius but again Darius fled 
  • Alexanders army and the remaining Persian army met at gaugamela resulting in Persia's defeat ending their power
  • Alex's army then conquered Babylon, Susa , and Persepolis 
  • Over the rest of his lifetime Alex tried to conquer most of Asia but stopped after defeating a Indian army and the morale of his men being low.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Presentation day 3

So today the last group shared their project which was pottery in Ancient Greece. The Greeks created pottery very similar to the way we do. We also took notes on Alexander the great and we checked the weather. We talked about how if we got off how the days would be made up and the policy for spring break days. For my notes since I had already taken mots of them check my last blog for most of them but a new notes is that when Alexander the great died his generals fought over control and eventually three generals divided his kingdom up between themselves and they ruled their own portion with equal power. I don't have a lot because we didn't do that much but the majority of the notes are on my last blog so instead of retyping them just check my last blog.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Alexander the great

So today in class we read about Alexander the great and his life

  • The Peloponnesian  war severely weakened several city states
  • King Phillip the second was the king of Macedonia and thought to take control of Greece and then Persia for their wealth
  • Macedonia was looked down upon by the greeks but they did have strong and fearless kings
  • The Macedonians lived in mountain villages rather than city states
  • Phillip was only 23 years old when he became king and was a brilliant general and politician
  • Phillip transformed peasants into a highly trained military force in which he organized into phalanxes
  • Demosthenes a orator tried to warn the greeks but they couldn't reach a agreement and when they did it was too late. The Macedonian army was invading and took over all of Greece, which ended greek independence.
  • Phillip was murdered at his daughters wedding and never got to take over Persia 
  • Phillips son Alex became known as Alexander the great
  • Alex was schooled by Aristotle which gave him much knowledge and made him a powerful and smart leader 
  • Alexander led 35,000 soldiers across hellespont into Anatolia
  • Persia sent 40,000 soliders 
  • They both met at the Granicus river which resulted in Alexander smashing through the Persian's defenses which caused Darius the third to worry
  • Alex then refused a peace agreement from Darius and moved on to conquer all of Persia and parts of Egypt along with founding Alexandria 
  • Alexander the went to Mesopotamia to confront Darius but again Darius fled 
  • Alexanders army and the remaining Persian army met at gaugamela resulting in Persia's defeat ending their power
  • Alex's army then conquered Babylon, Susa , and Persepolis 
  • Over the rest of his lifetime Alex tried to conquer most of Asia but failed after running into a Indian army blockade. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Presentations day 2

So today we were only able to present one project because the last group had half of their people missing so only one group could share. The group that did go was on the olympics and they talked about sprinting,  discus and wrestling. We also talked about how the olympics were more of a ceremonial thing than a athletic event. The group had Jamie, Madison, Sydney and Valerie. They did a video which was very good. We also watched a video of Ben-Hur and Mr Schick talked about his movie days so we really didn't do that much.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Presentation day

So today in class was the first day of project presentations in which three groups went. The food group Faith, Ellie, Maddie and Chase. They did a dessert and bread recipe that would have been commonly made in Ancient Greece. They made a video on them making the actual food. My group which consisted of me and Owen did the Trireme. I did the research paper while Owen made the model Trireme. The Trireme was a very powerful boat made by Athens that helped dominate the seas. The last group to go today was Aiden,Frankie,Vlad and Dominic. They did the Phalanx and the Trident. The Trident was a three pronged spear used for fishing. The Phalanx was a group of soldiers armed with long spears and shields that would construct a defensive wall in battle and clash against foreign armies. Tomorrow we should be able to finish the presentations. I hope everyone gets a good grade.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

project work day

So today in class we started to formally work on our Ancient Greece project. My group decided to do the Trireme. I did the paragraph portion while my other group member will do the actual example. I will link the paragraph down below.


To view just look up the url. The link didn't want to work as a live link so just copy and paste it in the search bar. At first we didn't know what to do for our topic but we chose the Trireme while a lot of people chose food and other famous topics like the olympics and military of the greeks.A lot of people didn't fully know what their topic was going to be. No one had formally worked on the project  before today but it wasn't really hard to finish it. The hard part is the building of the Trireme.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


So today in class today I'm pretty sure a couple of the girls were hallucinating because they were trying to explain different colors to Mr Schick and they made no sense. But what we really did in class today's we finished the video and discussed more about different topics of philosophy and what things are classified in the three parts of philosophy but again we really didn't do that much note taking so this is again gonna be a short blog.

The Rome test

So today we had our Rome test and for the first time in history of my class it was a open blog test. I didn't have all the answers but I...