Friday, September 29, 2017
The whining class
So today during Human geography my class got are seats switched around and I only moved two seats back but I do still enjoy sitting in the front because I don't get distracted and I'm able to listen better. But as Mr schick was assigning new seats people were complaining because they could sit next to their friends and talk. Yet the girls in the back of the room still got yelled at because they couldn't stop talking so yeah. The complaining from the class took up about one third of the class time we had so we didn't get time to really learn anything we just went over what we learned the day he wasn't here. So as he was explaining what a site was he said that the reason hurricane Harvey impacted Houston so much was because the natural site had been changed so much that the water they got couldn't go anywhere and since water treatment plants failed bacteria was floating in the water and not even all of the water has drained away yet. He was also saying the reason the site had been changed so much was because the city was attracting companies to build headquarters there which would make the city build new houses and therefore make money for the city because the workers of those companies would need someplace to live. Since there are so many company headquarters ,there are a lot of people there which mean a lot of houses which means a lot of the site of Houston has been changed and since neighbor hoods don't have a lot of grass and have a lot of roads there was no where for the water to runoff to or drain to so because they changed the site of Houston so much there was no natural place for the water to go because there was no dirt or fields. Mr schick also said that since the Houston site is still being changed a lot the earth is changing too so that means bigger, stronger, more devastating hurricanes and since there is nowhere for the water to go its only going to get worse and worse so the affects of changing a site could negatively affect the ability of the site to recover and react to natural disasters or weather changes.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
The pop quiz
So today for the first time ever in my life I had a pop quiz and it wasn't even really a quiz it was just a packet that we completed before but Mr schick just gave it to us again for a quiz grade. Most people I bet did really well and probably got A's so I wasn't really worried about it. After that Mr schick went over briefly what a site and situations were. Then after he explained that the point of geography is to learn about different cultures and the difference between how we and they live. He was explaining that the first time he went to a crab feast he thought it was barbaric to beat the crabs with hammers and steam them alive. But if you think about it in Chicago they don't eat seafood like we do in Maryland this is the same thing as if someone from America went to china and saw them eating dog they would think it was cruel and inhumane but to the people in china its perfectly normal. It just depend on the culture and the different resources they have along with the climate aka the siteWhen . Mr schick gave us our pop quiz today he said those days of me being thence teacher and human geography being easy are over as a joke, but luckily we had a very good report from our sub that we had the other day. But again like any other day it was very mellow except for the fact that we had a pop quiz. I was very surprised though that mr schick to talk about his trip to the "newsuem" but I guess it was because he just wanted to get the quiz over with so we would have time to go over things from the day he wasn't here but that was my day.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Site and situations
So today in class we have to take notes on site and situations but they have to be thorough which I will make them because its not a very hard thing to do.
- site is the physical character of a place, some important site characteristics are climate, water sources, topography, soil, latitude, elevation, vegetation
- The combination of physical features gives each place a distinctive character
- The factors a site has, has always been essential in selecting locations for settlements
- Some people disagree with the attributes of a good site, depending on cultural values
- Some build at the top of hills for good defense and attack, while others build near a river and crossing points for easy communication with other people from other places.
- Humans have the ability to modify the characteristics of a site, A good example is that the southern portion of new York's Manhattan island is twice the size of what it was in 1626, they do this by filling in portions of the Hudson River and east river. The also do this by sinking old ships and dumping refuse on top of them, this can substantially change these sites
- Situation is the location of a place relative to other places
- Situation is a valuable way to indicate location in two ways, finding a unfamiliar place and understanding its importance
- We can use situation to help find a unfamiliar place by comparing its location with a familiar one, in other words it helps give directions to new places that are somewhat similar to place we already know of
- A example is if I say "its down past the elementary school on ferry street after the 2nd traffic light next to the big red Fire station"
- we identify important landmarks and buildings while trying to guide someone to a desired location.
- The second reason is that it helps us understand the importance of a location
- Many locations are important because its accessible to other locations or places
- A example of this is that Singapore has become a very busy trading port for much of Southeast Asia, Singapore is situated near the strait of Malacca, which is a major passage way for ships traveling between the south china sea and the Indian Ocean, some 50,000 vessels pass through the strait each year which is one fourth of the world maritime trade.
- Another location is the Panama Canal, it is a important location because it allows shorter and direct access between the gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean, this is a example of a place being important because its accessible to other places. That is the situation of this place, A way a Geographer can site this location is because of its physical characteristics, Its hot , it rains a lot, there are a lot of jungles, its also a very small country, a since Humans have the ability to modify the characteristics of a site, Human built the Panama Canal. thats another example of a site.
Some characteristics that make my house unique site is that when I was very young we had about sixteen oak trees in my back yard, well since the house that surround us have a lot of trees my dad would have to do leaves multiple times a year, so my dad cut down all the trees in our backyard so he wouldn't have to do so many trees, our backyard also backs up against six other houses, my backyard also is on a minor slope, the most unique characteristic about my house is that its the only colonial home in my court and along with that its one of the houses closest to the power box in my court. These are all different physical characteristics that make my house a unique site. Some reasons that make it a unique situation is that since it backs up against six other homes that allows access to the yards of those six other homes, this is important because if there is a fire and you can't escape our the front door if they go out the back door the can escape to my yard where there is no trees so its harder for the fire to spread and it allows for people to regain the breath because its a very open area. Another reason my house is a unique situation is that since I live in a neighbor hood it may be hard to find my house but since I live in a court it narrows down the homes people have to look for if their looking for my house. Another reason is that since I live off a major road it helps find the entrance to my neighborhood and since older neighborhoods have street names it helps them find the exact street I live on and which court I live. Another unique characteristic that make my home unique is that I'm the only house that has a asphalt driveway this can make it easier to tell what house is mine. So since my house is so unique the site it has and the situation it has makes it very easy to find my house.
I didn't even know this is a what Geographers use to describe a place or help figure out what they will do with it. Im also kinda glad we actually had something to do in class today and be able to make a huge blog that was more than 10 sentences and it actually has valuable information. Mr schick should just start giving us substitute work.
Monday, September 25, 2017
The Blog Review
So today in Human Geography class Mr Schick Went over some of our blogs. He talked about different ways we can make them unique and make them better, He says that we should write them as if we were writing a formal essay, correct punctuation, capitalization, and correct use of nouns and meanings. Mr Schick also went over how were supposed to include what we did in class that day, like today we went over our blogs and the label the map packet we completed last week. Mr Schick also called some people up to go over their blogs personally. When he called me up to go over my blog he just said that it was a little sloppy and to just take my time and proof read it along with fully explain what we did in class that day. After Mr Schick finished calling people up to go over their personal blogs we went over the label the map packet that we completed last week. As we went over it he was saying that he doesn't like how that names we were supposed to use to label the map weren't very accurate and how it kinda made the labeling a little confusing but I still got all of the questions correct. As we were in the middle of class Mr Schick said that he won't be here tomorrow because he's going on a field trip. Now every time I've had a substitute teacher they have either been late or doesn't even show up so I hope that tomorrow the sub is there before us.
Friday, September 22, 2017
so today we talked about the differences on regions and places. A region is an area were the people that live there have their one cultural differences in food, religion, and tradition. A place is somewhere that docent look like anywhere else on earth. We also got our test back which I did really good on , I got a 90 out of 100 and if we got a A or higher we got a bell rung for each person who did get an A but if you got 100 you got two bell rungs. There was only one person who got two bell rungs and maybe only one person that didn't get a bell rung at all. The past few times I have had human geo its been really simple because we don't do that much and we only go over one topic. Mr schick did say though that our first test was very easy and a lot of the. other test are not going to be so easy which I understand because since it was our fist test he wanted to give us a breaking since I'm in honors the test are going to be a little more challenging than usual but yet most of my classes are honors so ill get used to it.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
So today in human geo we actually did something that took the whole class period to do. Today we had to draw a mental image of the world map and label as many things as possible, this includes countries physical features and oceans. We also had to the same thing but for the route we take for school and label all of the restraunts, chucks and stores we see along the way. Mr schick also got a new air conditioner because faith asked for one. Wont be surprised if that works every where. Anyway half of the class left today because there must of been a game or something but at the end of class everyone was asking mr schick to look up their homes on google earth. he also showed us the layout of his house and property which lets just say is huge for a high school teacher. But today was another easy period because we again only worked on one thing the whole entire class period but thats how it is./
Monday, September 18, 2017
So today was a pretty simple day because Mr stick still had a lot of tests to grade and in order to get caught up he allowed us to work on what ever homework or other class work we had. So since I had a math test today and didn't get a chance to work on my math homework thats pretty much what I did the whole time I did go get my charger because some kids laptop died in class and he needed it for Spanish. But once I finished my homework I went to get my bible books so I didn't have to go back to my locker. Today was pretty easy and boring. There was also this group of girls that were complaining about that it was really humid and just know that the guys have too wear pants while the girls have to wear skirts so were melting and they say their hot please I would have to see them in the desert and see what they say. Mr schick also said that no one noticed that the map was turned upside down. but other than that it was a a easy day in human geo.
Friday, September 15, 2017
So today in human geo we learned about how the natural map we use un school really isn't as accurate as we think the size of countries such as green land and north america have a very distorted size due to the way the map was created the map we normally use is called a mercator map but a more accurate version is called the Peters map which has more accurate and less distorted images of the worlds countries but compared to the first ever world recorded map its pretty accurate. We also learned that depending on the size of a country could mean how much we care about it and whether or not we would send supplies if they are in need of food or water like relief aid. But anyway today was a pretty laid back day as I had only two test that I think I did very well on. Mr schick was also talking about That some countries like Australia view the world map upside down because of their location on the earth and they think their on the top of the world and above everybody else. It just depend on how you view the map and what world map you view.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Today was pretty boring because we were told by mr schick that human geo would get a lot harder and that the first unit was more of a pep talk and to tell us to get ready to do our best work and try our best. After that we went over how regions were related and how they are culturally different and similar along with politically and economically we also had to complete a worksheet where we had to label different regions around the world . But pretty mu ch today it was a short day and not much happened. I did have my science test but i don't think I did so well on that but back to human geo we talked about how a regions environment affects their economy because of the type of food they ca grow there along with the type of products they make there depending on how much their minimum wage is like since china has such a small wage we can get products made their for very little money and how in Mexico we have a lot of car factories down their because they also have a low minimum wage even though their economy is getting better every year.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
So today we had our first test in human geology and it really wasn't that hard and I actually felt confident about getting a good grade. Even though it was a boring class I still have a bunch of upcoming tests in many of my other classes like Spanish which I'm very worried about and I hope I do very good on it. I also have a math test next week even when I took a math quiz today I'm really stressed out because I have all these tests to study for. I also forgot my schedule today so in was worried that I would forget what class I had to go to but luckily my schedule is on veracross. I also thought I had a biology test today but luckily its Friday which gives me plenty of time to study so yeah I have a busy week. I just can't wait for Friday to come because i can somewhat put school work out of my mind. but wish me luck on all my other test especially Spanish. Please wish me the best of luck.
Monday, September 11, 2017
So today as it is being September eleventh we talked about what that day was like and the changes in the upcoming days after the attacks on the worlds trade centers. It was one of the most scariest times in American history and was the most dreadful terrorist attack on American soil. But after we talked about that we briefly reviewed over our notes for the quiz we have tomorrow. Mr schick also told us that when it happened they were in mass and they addressed the whole entire school at once. That would have been very scary. Parents were also and coming and pulling their kids out of school and not even properly signing them out. Most of the teachers watched the news in their rooms and didn't have normal classes but most math teachers did to help keep the kids mind off of what happened. I will never forget that day even though I wasn't alive. IM not very nervous about the math or human geo test we have tomorrow but wish me luck. Also lets hope and pray that I don't have a lot of homework this Friday.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
So today I learned that the teacher who goes around singing its Thursday is really My human geo teacher so that was new but today in actual class we started off by debating on what we should do about North Korea and there were many different opinions as we should leave them alone, nuke them, or just assassinate Kim Jon un. But after the debate was finished we realized that we were doing the socrates method which consists of asking and answering question to open your mind and increase the amount of thinking your doing which is suppose to help strengthen your thinking skills and help make you better at answering questions with more sophisticated and formal answers. So while in class we learned more about socrates death. He was forced of corrupting the children of Athens and when he went on trial he was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock but what id didn't know was that he was given the chance to escape but said that this was the way he lived by but accepted the hemlock. He also didn't deny and of the charges he admitted to all of them because he wasn't afraid of what his beliefs were. SO anyway we learned only a little more about socrates but his death is till very interesting.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
today in human geo we learned about a few greek things. Today we learned that locates was a famous greek philosopher who set the basis of philosophy for the west. We also learned he created his own form of dialogue which included asking and answering questions to allow children mind to really think about how they would respond to that question. We also learned that socrates committed suicide before he was found guilty and would have been given the death penalty. Today I also found out that what a greek city state is and what the center of a city state is where the center of politics, markets festivals and the heart of the city meet. Socrates was accused of not accepting the gods of Athens to be real and had different beliefs and when the govt thought he could be spreading these beliefs to kids he was teaching the tried him but as I said before he killed himself with poison before the court could convict him. I also found out the the greek revolution was the first revolution ever recorded in history. Ancient Greece is pretty cool so I think I'm going to enjoy learning about their culture. I mean they were the creators of democracy.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Today in Human Geo we learned and discussed that the message to Garcia was published into the news paper all across the country so it would inspire workers who didn't try their best when they work to do their best. It was also made into a pamphlet and book so employees could give a copy to each worker so they could read it and think about how well they work and wether they are doing a good job at their job. They sold over 40 million copies and translated it into 37 different languages so if you think about it this inspired people around the world to do better at their job which could help small companies do better business and make more money and which could help boost the economies
of the countries. Its was also made into a movie twice which I have no idea how they do that because its only a essay its not like its a story its a inspirational essay. Its also became a popular slang term which is till used in the military to encourage the men to do their best. The back story of the essay was that it was written during the Spanish American war. It was based off the story that the revolutionary leader in Cuba was to be delivered a letter from president McKinney saying that he will help the cuban revolution.The man who was assigned the task to deliver the letter didn't ask any questions and didn't give any excuses on why he shouldn't do it he was given the task and completed it as he was assigned. Now president Mckinney was assassinated 6 months into his second term as president and they named the tallest mountain in North America after him up until 2015 when it was renamed to its native name given to it by the native people who lived there for hundreds of years.
of the countries. Its was also made into a movie twice which I have no idea how they do that because its only a essay its not like its a story its a inspirational essay. Its also became a popular slang term which is till used in the military to encourage the men to do their best. The back story of the essay was that it was written during the Spanish American war. It was based off the story that the revolutionary leader in Cuba was to be delivered a letter from president McKinney saying that he will help the cuban revolution.The man who was assigned the task to deliver the letter didn't ask any questions and didn't give any excuses on why he shouldn't do it he was given the task and completed it as he was assigned. Now president Mckinney was assassinated 6 months into his second term as president and they named the tallest mountain in North America after him up until 2015 when it was renamed to its native name given to it by the native people who lived there for hundreds of years.
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The Rome test
So today we had our Rome test and for the first time in history of my class it was a open blog test. I didn't have all the answers but I...
In class today we took more notes In Rome citizenship with voting rights was granted only to free born male citizens Patricians were we...
So today we talked about the government Rome had and its similarities to the United States government not exactly the same executive le...
So yesterday I took my human geo test that I missed Friday because I was sick, and to be honest I was really nervous that I wouldn't do...